
The Founder


CLIFFORD “ford” ROSAROSO’ ( born Feb. 29, 1980 however the midwife register March 1, 1980 ) He is considered as one of FMA scholars along with RAHA. Robert C. Rodriguez. He started studying FMA at the age of 15, he studied Sikaran where it is offered for’ Free from the school he attended. Then he met Master Lucresio “cris” Ampit ( Lapunti Arnis de Abanico) he studied with him for eight years. He received his Lakan 2 (2nd degree blackbelt rank ) at the age of 18. Later RAHA Robert Rodriguez introduce him to Master Frank Subrino ( WEDOSCAMAI ) he studied the system under the supervision of RAHA Robert Rodriguez ( also his best friend and sparring partner since high school ) Where he received the rank of lakan isa. Up to the present Guro Ford continue to develop

And enhance his skills in FMA. He is also very active in propagating FMA by educating people about the art.’


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