Filipino Knife Fighting System



Close-quarter combat
Clifford Rosaroso, founder of FMA system Eskrima de Abaniko and who has held various security jobs, said that a person threatened by a knife should always consider surviving than engaging. If engagement is unavoidable, however, he said gulang, or dirty tactics, should come into play.

When being attacked, he said that one should use distractions to disrupt the focus of the assailant. If there is any, a long weapon such as a piece of lumber can be utilized to keep distance and can be used as a weapon.

“Target the nearest fatal area like the head,” Rosaroso said when one decides to counter attack, adding that one can be a difficult target through constant movement.

If one is armed and engaged in an actual knife fight, Rosaroso also advocates the use of body movement, but with a slight difference: getting out of the angle of attack and closing in on the attacker instead of creating distance. “Defense through offense. Control and do not be controlled,” he said, echoing a popular adage known among FMA practitioners and close quarters combat advocates.

Rosaroso counselled against wasted movements, saying that one should attack with every opportunity. He also counselled against a defensive mind-set where the defender is waiting for the assailant to attack before taking action. “Don’t follow his rhythm; make him dance to your tune.”

-Manila Bulletin (James Mendoza)

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